No, I am not here to promote Dogecoin, but I think there is something to be said about the marketing strategy inherent in the Dogecoin community's coming together to send a Jamaican bobsled team to the Winter Olympics: "Cool Fundings"
I imagine, for a short while at least, Dogecoin is going to enjoy a price pump as well as some healthy publicity once the Olympics are underway. I think this was a fantastic opportunity for Dogecoin proponents to take advantage of, and our community should do the same.
I suggest the Fastcoin community attempt to sponsor a racecar driver of some sort, perhaps NASCAR. Clearly, "Fastcoin" would be a happy feature on the hood of any racecar. Perhaps someone could look into what something like that would cost, and we could organize a fundraiser of sorts?
Another option could be funding bicyclists, stuntmen, and anyone willing to wear a fastcoin patch, tshirt, or other insignia.
There are also so many races and marathons around the world that I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult to find a few runners here and there to help us promote by wearing a shirt in exchange for a donation or sponsorship.
I also like to think of Redbull energy drinks when they sponsored the highest ever supersonic freefall: story and its videos recieved tremendous coverage.
Just some food for thought!