The name pretty much says it all, this is a bot that will do it all for you. Just follow the few simple steps listed on our website below for unlimited profit.
Our Website: 
V1.2 Direct Download: Update Log:
V1.0. First release, everything went smooth.
V1.1. Had to fix some small errors
V1.2. Captcha software update now runs at 100%
Future updates:
v1.3. Make tabs on the program so you can do multiple coins without opening the program multiple times.
v1.4. Add a tab to keep track of how much you have earned from faucets.
v1.5. Add Proxies to it so you can visit the website multiple times without waiting for the set time.
How does it work?
Our program has the ability to put your address to whatever coin faucet you will be using and then fill in the captcha correctly no matter what it is. It will then go back and visit the list of websites you have added to the program after the set amount of time and do it all over again.
Our Captcha Script
We have created the most advance Auto Captcha Program. It can do any puzzle that you put infront of it without any issues. This took awhile to code so please donate if you profit immensely from our program. We have sold our auto captcha script to many other program developers so if you would like to buy it please contact us from our website.
Please feel free to donate to us on our site if you feel we have helped you.
For any questions or problems please use our contact form to get in touch with programmers.
[email protected]