Quit wallet, rebooted, and no change.
Says No Block Source Available when hovering over loading bar.
Catching up
Processed 2990306 of transaction history.
Last received block was generated 2 years and 45 weeks ago.
Wallet Version - v.
Hello Evoman1,
We believe we have a resolution to this problem. Some of our support team members recently tested the following solution and it work for them on the Mac iOS.
You can download the follwoing FastCoin BlockChain file located here on your Mac...
Within this shared drive there are instructons within a PDF file. These instructions are specified for Windows users for now, but a Mac "How to" document will be uploaded shortly.
In the meatime as you wait for that document to be created, download and unzip the file on your Mac.
Instead of copying over the downloaded FastCoin Block as specified in the Windows version described in the PDF,
You can copy over the unzipped files to the following folder using the “Finder” application on your Mac …
~/Library/Application Support/Fastcoin/
Before copying over the files, make sure your Mac FST Wallet is turned off.
Once the unzipped files have been successfully copied over, restart your Mac FastCoin Wallet.
Please let us know if that helps.
Best wishes