Author Topic: Nation-Wars FastCoin pool [PROP][1% fee (limited time 0%)][VARDIFF 4-2048]  (Read 1153 times)

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Offline youngwebs

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Please note the launch of the following mining pool:
port: 3333

Highly optimized server, with 100% SSD disks
We are running with VARDIFF, from 4 to 2048 difficulty.

Fee: 0% tilll further notice or as long as I can keep paying bills from donations and own money.
Stratum: Yes (no getwork support) includes also a free, multiplayer, turn based strategy game. Create a Nation or join up with an existing Nation to fight your way to the top. You will compete with players from across the globe to achieve victory. Winning can be accomplished in many ways including individually, and/or as a team. You can build your state to be the largest or war your way to the top.
It is a text based game, so you mining will not be interrupted by high fashion graphics.
Your generated fastcoins, can be used in the near future as well for getting premium items in the Nation-wars Game.
checkout for the game:

Nation-wars - Mining & Gaming Evolved!
We are trying to set-up the Nation Wars community as a (first?) Fastcoin only community, for making an spending coins at the same place!

I'm looking forward looking to see you around!
Currently 2-3 active miners.